10 Years After

My return to college


Long Distance Moan

I had emailed the linguistic professor that I spoke to a few weeks ago and received a reply earlier today. I was led to believe that he was going to Europe during the first part of the summer and would then be doing some sort of linguistic project in the later half of the summer. I also offered to return his book when he returned from Europe. His reply was rather welcoming:
Glad to hear that you found the book interesting. I won't be going to
Europe this summer after all--I simply have too many things to do around
here to justify spending about 6 weeks away from the office. So, I plan
to be in my office most every day, if not every day, for at a few
hours--from 10 to 2ish seems reasonable to me. I'd very much enjoy
getting together with you and talking some more.

As for a project later this summer, J---- B---- will be doing some
field work to gather some language data. I think if you're interested
in something like, it might be good if the two of you work on it
together. There is also another project that might happen that has to
do with word order changes in subordinate clauses in Old English. I
still need to do some preliminary work to see if spending more time on
this will pan out in the way that I'd like to see it pan out. In any
case, come by my office sometime this week or next. Just to make sure
I'll be here and you don't waste your time in coming to campus, give me
a time frame, and I'll be sure to be here. We can talk about your plans
and these projects that we'll try to get going.

Hopefully he'll be able to help me get into Columbia. With my gpa below a 3.0 I'm more than a bit worried . . .

Also, I spent some time with my parents this evening. To make a long story short, while at Wal-Mart I ran in a T.A. in the history department that I vaguely know. Man, that can can talk your ear off. What he has to say is intersting, though at times it's very difficult to make out what he is saying. I have to admit, I love the fact that when I do see him he is keen on chatting. he was talking tonight about wanting to do his Phd in Hawaii or Indonesia.


Ashes and Ghosts

I had seen a flyer up at the end of the Spring semester for a class on the Aztecs (Span 4956/5956: Aztec Culture and Western Literature). Bonus was that the class, while being a senior level Spanish class, was that it was to be in English. However, due to my economic situation I couldn't fit it in (it's a pre-summer class, too). In anycase, I emailed the professor and asked for a syllabus. Here's the highlights:
Course objectives:
1. To acquaint students with the richness and complexity of Aztec (Mexica) culture
2. To familiarize students with the culture and history of Mexico during and after the Conquest
3. To acquaint students with concepts from the Renaissance concerning discovery and exploration, including utopian ideas
4. To familiarize students with the cultural and literary legacy of the Aztecs resulting from their contact with the Spanish
5. To read and study works of literature from Mexico which concern the Aztec influence.

List of major topics covered.
1. An overview of Pre-Columbian America.
2. Special focus on the culture and history of the people known to us as the Aztecs.
3. The story of their conquest by the Spaniards
4. A brief overview of the colony of New Spain (now Mexico)
5. Presentation and discussion of the Aztec image in Europe during the Renaissance, the Baroque, and the Enlightenment and modern periods
6. An overview of Mexican history and culture since Independence from Spain
7. Reading of literature influenced by the Aztec image (works by Carlos Fuentes, Fuentes, D. H. Lawrence, Octavio Paz)

A.Required, in bibliographic format (textbooks)*
1. Fagan, Brian. The Aztecs. W. H. Freeman, 1984.
2. Fuentes, Carlos. Where the Air is Clear. New York: Noonday, 1971.
3. Lawrence, D. H. The Plumed Serpent. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.
4. Paz, Octavio. The Labyrinth of Solitude: The Other Mexico, Return to the Labyrinth of Solitude, Mexico and the United States, the Philanthropic Ogre. New York: Grove, 1985.

B.Recommended, in bibliographic format with ETSU library call number if held.
1. Keen, Benjamin. The Aztec Image in Western Thought. Brunswick: Rutgers, 1991. 972.014 K25
*All readings will be in English.

Course Grade:
30 Participation
20 Midterm
30 Essays (3)
20 Final Exam

I've long had a fascination with the Aztecs. Also, more recently, I came across an interesting passage about the Aztecs while I was doing research on the Navajo:
South of the RioGrande, the American Indian languages enjoy far greater vitality than in the United States or Candada.The Aztec tongue is still spoken by nearly one million people in northern and central Mexico, and is quite alive in Mexican place-names. Characteristic of this language is the tl-group found in names like Tlaxcala and Nahuatl, the coyotl, chokolatl, and tomatl that give us "coyote", "chocolate", and "tomato". "Aztec" means "Crane People," "Toltec" "skilled workers" (this is an Aztec name; the Toltec's own name for themselves is Aculhuaque, or "Strong Me"). Montezuma is a Spanish shortening of Montecuzumai Thucamina ("When the Chief is Angry, He Shoots to Heaven"). South of the Aztecs and Toltecs are the Mayas of Guatemala and Yucatan, who dominated Central America during the first twelve hundered years of our era.
(p334 "The Story of Language." Mario Pei)


Unofficial Guide to Backstabbing

Well, Thursday I was fired from work. I had worked a double shift the day before, filling in for the third shift person who had a mandatory day off. I came home, slept for a couple of hours, and then went back into work. As I was waiting around to go to the main center I dozed off on the couch. My boss's boss came by and saw me asleep. She drove
off without saying anything to me. Instead she called my boss and had him phone me my notice. I celebrated by going to Savannah Friday & Saturday. I left at 5 am on Friday and came back yesterday afternoon. Great city. The trip was amazing.

I registered for my summer classes. Not working puts a damper on my ability to pay for the number of classes I was hoping to take. Also, with looking for work I'm worried about limited availability. In the end I'm taking 7 hours. I'm retaking the Bio II lab and lecture that I withdrew from last semester and am also retaking pre-calc. I had hoped to take a 4000 level spanish class - Aztec Cultures and Literature (done in English)- but the money just doesn't seem there to add that sort of thing in. I spent some time the other night looking over my transcript to see what I could retake. here's the list (not including what I am taking over the summer, which should be):

3 MATH 1010 - College Algebra
4 MATH 1110 - calc I (3 hours when I took it)
3 SCSI 2150 - Comp. Systems
3 CSCI 2210 - Data Structures
3 CUAL 3310 - School II
3 PHIL 2010 - Self, World, & God
Philosophy 2010 is now 1030 and called Self & World. The other change in these, as indicated, was that Calc I changed from 3 credits to 4. I could probably retake the Computer Systems class without too much difficulty. However, since Data Structures was taught with Turbo Pascal when I took it, I think I'd be learning a new programming language in addition to the actual stuff in class. That seems a bit daunting to me. Hopefully, retaking these will boost my gpa better than taking classes I haven't taken before. (The idea is that the number of hours taken won't change, but the quality hours will.)


09.01.2002   09.08.2002   09.15.2002   09.22.2002   09.29.2002   10.06.2002   10.13.2002   10.20.2002   10.27.2002   11.03.2002   11.10.2002   11.17.2002   12.08.2002   01.05.2003   01.12.2003   01.19.2003   01.26.2003   02.02.2003   02.23.2003   05.04.2003   08.10.2003   08.24.2003   08.31.2003   09.07.2003   09.14.2003   09.21.2003   09.28.2003   10.05.2003   10.12.2003   10.19.2003   10.26.2003   11.02.2003   11.09.2003   12.21.2003   01.04.2004   01.11.2004   03.14.2004   03.21.2004   03.28.2004   04.04.2004   04.11.2004   04.18.2004   04.25.2004   05.09.2004   12.05.2004   12.26.2004   02.06.2005   03.06.2005   03.20.2005   04.03.2005   04.24.2005   05.01.2005   05.08.2005   05.29.2005   06.12.2005   06.19.2005   07.10.2005   07.24.2005  

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