10 Years After

My return to college


Ghost Of A Good Thing

It's nearly the end of the semester and I've managed to put off posting this long. What could cause me to break this silence? Boredom. So much has changed in the past few months. However, in some strange way as I look back over it all it doesn't seem so different. I'm still not graduating. About midway through the semester I learned that the onlne history class I hd signed up for was counting as a 3000 and not a 4000 level history class. This meant that I would need to take a 4000 level history class in the Spring. On top of that I was still needing to test out of the using information science class that I've procrastanated on for so long.

This just caused me to loose all interest in my classes. In fact, I stopped participating my online history class. Between it being totally irrelevant to my graduating needs it was a horrible class. As a board of regents class it cost beyond what a regular class at my university cost. However, I could have saved myself the money by simply buying the two books and reading them. For all the input of the instructor I might of well of not been tkaing the class. Part of our grade was particiapation in an online discussion. However, it soon became evident that half ot the class were morons who had no idea what they were talking about. The few instances that the instructor became engaged seemed to be in order to provoke the most informed in our class to post more often. The height of this, for me, was when one particular discussion bully posted about how English became the language of choice in England in the 16th century due to the popularity of writers of that time using it. When I posted and corrected his much misinformed history of the developement of English the Instructor posted what amounted to a repeat of what I had said and then said she would need to see exactly what the first student was referring to in order to say anything more. Nothing more about this was ever said by the instructor, even after the student posted personal attacks against me.

I've been trying to find various projects to keep myself busy and have picked this up and sat it back down so many times that I have lost count. However, it seems that now is a good time to post about this semester. Maybe next semester I can post more regularly and with better news. (Not that there are any readers out there who have been awaiting an update).


09.01.2002   09.08.2002   09.15.2002   09.22.2002   09.29.2002   10.06.2002   10.13.2002   10.20.2002   10.27.2002   11.03.2002   11.10.2002   11.17.2002   12.08.2002   01.05.2003   01.12.2003   01.19.2003   01.26.2003   02.02.2003   02.23.2003   05.04.2003   08.10.2003   08.24.2003   08.31.2003   09.07.2003   09.14.2003   09.21.2003   09.28.2003   10.05.2003   10.12.2003   10.19.2003   10.26.2003   11.02.2003   11.09.2003   12.21.2003   01.04.2004   01.11.2004   03.14.2004   03.21.2004   03.28.2004   04.04.2004   04.11.2004   04.18.2004   04.25.2004   05.09.2004   12.05.2004   12.26.2004   02.06.2005   03.06.2005   03.20.2005   04.03.2005   04.24.2005   05.01.2005   05.08.2005   05.29.2005   06.12.2005   06.19.2005   07.10.2005   07.24.2005  

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