Lacking a light jacket, I am wearing a gray sweater of mine today. I figured it'd be freezing out. While it's a brisk chill outside, I nearly suffocated from over-heating in my British Lit class. I had to break down and turn on the AC before most of the students came in. After walking across campus, up 3 flights, and enduring the already warm room I need a blast of artic air.
Class itself was good. We went over a couple of small poems by Percy Shelley and then over his tribute to Keats, AdonaisS. It's a good poem. This evening I'm going to work on my paper some more. I have some good ideas for what I want to say, I just hope I have enough material to cover it. If not, Sunday I might be treking to the library.
After Spanish class I need to pickup and cash my check. Then head back to campus to sit through language lab. Ugh! I went into the lab after British lit. But it was hot and crowded in there. I think some class is in there. I politely left and trucked it over to the library. There's a used book sell going on. I picked up $7.5 in books. =) I figure that's pocket change considering what I picked up:
* The theme of the Hero - Roy Pickett
* Pindar - D.S. Carne- Ross
* Lorca: a collection of critical essays - ed. Manuel Duran
* Essays and New Atlantis - Francis Bacon
* Odes of Pindar - E. Myers
* The Age of New Wnglightenment: basic writings of Berkley, Voltaire, Hume, Reid, Condillac, Hamann and others.... - ed, isiah Berlin
* Five Middle English Narrative - Ed. Robert D Stevick
* Montaigne's Essays: a study - Donald M Frame.
I think they were purchases well made. I might even be able to use the Englightenment book for British Lit II. :)