10 Years After

My return to college


Automatic Schmuck

There's not much of interest left for me take at school; it feels like just officious paperwork and a few required clases. I'm uncertain of so many things.

Here are some linguist books I've picked up over the weekend in Knoxville:
  1. Stabilizing Indigenous Languages - Cantoni

  2. The Other Tongue: Ebnglish across cultures - Braj B. Kachru

  3. Deep and Surface Structure Constraints in Syntax - David M. Perlmutter

  4. Old English - A histlorical linguistics campanio - Roger Lass

Over Christmas I picked up "Women, Fire, and Dangerous Ideas" by George Lakoff. Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to reading any of it. Today after having lunch I stopped by the used book store across from work and discovered "Where Mathematics Comes From" by Lakoff abd Rafael E. Nunez, and just had to buy it.

I'm also excited about the less academic "Et Cetera, Et Cetera" by Lewis Thomas that I picked up. I think Thomas should be required reading for all High School students. How college has things broken things up in to hermeticaly sealed compartments for each field is something that this second time around through college has been on my mind. It is also one of the reasons I love linguistics so much.

You know, the word luncheon is a very pleasing word to me. Oh, that reminds me . . . A friend inquired about the etymology on the word orange. Think I might do that tonight now that I have a pirate Internet connection.


09.01.2002   09.08.2002   09.15.2002   09.22.2002   09.29.2002   10.06.2002   10.13.2002   10.20.2002   10.27.2002   11.03.2002   11.10.2002   11.17.2002   12.08.2002   01.05.2003   01.12.2003   01.19.2003   01.26.2003   02.02.2003   02.23.2003   05.04.2003   08.10.2003   08.24.2003   08.31.2003   09.07.2003   09.14.2003   09.21.2003   09.28.2003   10.05.2003   10.12.2003   10.19.2003   10.26.2003   11.02.2003   11.09.2003   12.21.2003   01.04.2004   01.11.2004   03.14.2004   03.21.2004   03.28.2004   04.04.2004   04.11.2004   04.18.2004   04.25.2004   05.09.2004   12.05.2004   12.26.2004   02.06.2005   03.06.2005   03.20.2005   04.03.2005   04.24.2005   05.01.2005   05.08.2005   05.29.2005   06.12.2005   06.19.2005   07.10.2005   07.24.2005  

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