10 Years After

My return to college


Posting before British Lit II. The instructor I have for World Civ is annoying. While he makes much ado about proper conduct in class he swears like a sailor and belittles students. Perhaps if I were 18 years old I would find this humorous. However, I am not and I don't. The first day of class he indicated where on his Web site we could find the powerpoint (tm) presentation for his lectures. However, he cautioned us that if we merely read the presentation we would only receive 2% of the lecture. Perhaps it was due to evolutionary biology not being his forte, but it seemd that there would have been less than that amount lost if someone had not showed up for class. What little wasn't read off the slides was tangental and entirely irrelevant.

He touched upon the idea that man evolved as a marine mammal. Desmond Morris spares little time in The Naked Ape on such a theory. This intructor merely stated that some hold that view as opposed to the savannah but that the majority hold that they evolved on the savannahs of Africa. Oh, and he also pointed out, as though it was proof of the savannah theory, that there are hallucinogenic mushrooms growing on it. Well, need there be more proof?

(I am sure I will be posting more about this class as the instructor is a frustration).
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