10 Years After

My return to college


I had the fourth American Government test this morning. After falling asleep last night studying I think I managed to pull an A. If not, I'm sure aI received an upper percent B. Still, an A would be best. I did fine on the short answers on the test in American Government. There were a few multiple choice questions which required me to make educated guesses.

I stopped by my advisors office. He wasn't in and his posted office hours are for MW only. I called, left a voice mail, and, also, sent an email requesting an appointment to see him. Hopefully I can get in today. I'm not worried about any of my classes except for the two English classes. Even then, I'm mostly concerned about the History of the English Language class only. The other English class is rather flexible.

I received an email a few seconds after I sent a email requesting a meeting. I called him and then went over to his office. All but two of the class I wanted to take were available. The history class I managed to take at the same time by changing the instructor and settling for a distance course. I'll attend the lecture itself and not the broadcast. The second change was for the philosophy class. I wanted to retake Self & World (which was Self, World, & God when I took it originally). However, since that was filled I opted for the Philosophy as conversation. Not only does it count as a general core class which fulfills my philosophy/ethics class, it also counts as one of the two oral intensive class which I am required to take. My schedule for next semester is as follows:
9:15 US History Since 1877
10:15 Spanish II
11:30 Poetry genre

9:45 History of the Eng Lang
11:15 Prob&Stats
12:45 Phil as Conv

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