I managed to stay awake during American Government. In class we discussed Social Welfare and went over questions for Thursday's test. I am determined to ace this next test. The instructor returned our papers at the end of class. I scored an 86 on it with the comment "your writing could be more concise." Not too bad, I suppose. I noticed everyone around me had papers in the range of 70s or lower 80s.
I've decided the topic for my next british Literature paper. One of the topics given was to write three explications of the Rubaiyats of Omar Khayyam. Seems straight forward. I'd thought I'd pick out a few of the more famous quatraines to comment on, include a little commentary about both Omar Khayyam and Edward Fitzgerald, the impact these translations have had on British literature, and mention the dissenting view of Fitzgerald's interpretations.
Next up is World Civ. That class should be interesting. Last Thursday we discussed the New World. The odd thing about that class is how plastic the information is. Our instructor told us that Clovis, as a time period for first inhabitation based on archeological evidence, has already been abandoned for an earlier time. Also of note, while the Berring Strait land bridge theory postulates that setlement was north to south, the oldest archeological evidence of humans in the New World is southern and the farther north the newer the dates. The explanation, and I feel this is reasonable, is that the early migrants stayed close to the coast and, as the ice caps melted, these earlier sites are now underwater.