10 Years After

My return to college


Good Morning, Good Morning

I did well on my first exam, World Civ. oddly, the 30 multiple choice questions all had the same answer D. I had 2 that I didn't put down as D. When I handed it to Burgess he commented that I did well and we spoke briefly about the test. He stated that he thought it would be helpful to students if all the answers were the same. I, however, thought it was confusing. I had a sick feeling the entire time as I was sure I had goofed up. Then, to make things more weird, I was handed back the previous test. it has -2/-3 on the top. The GA told me to multiply the top number by two and then subtract 5. Wha?! I figure it's an A, maybe just barely but still an A, and will leave it at that.

After class I walked over to the closest book-buy-back-coke-stand-thinggy. I sold my $60 World Civ for $32.50. The lady had to call the main campus bookstore for a buy back price and then told me that they were only buying back a limited number of these books. I think she added that because it was such a gross rip off. Grrrrrrr. . .

Off to study for my afternoon exam - American Government.
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