10 Years After

My return to college


Most depressing. I have had all sorts of errors this week when attempting to post from the university's library. This was suppose to have been posted on Tuesday. Wednesday the campus closed at noon due to bad weather. This meant that my Spanish class was cancelled. Friday I didn't have British Literature. The instructor made that into a make up day for students who hadn't yet turned in all their papers.

Hang On St. Christopher
American Government was good this morning. The lecture was on US Foriegn Policy. I answered a few questions relating to the recent National Geographic Poll. After having this instructor for a semester I think I am starting to understand the fashion in which he asks questions. Though, admittedly, it's often a coin toss on his true-false questions. (Also, this morning I noticed he has a particular problem pronouncing soft /g/. Interesting.) I stopped by the Language lab after class and it looks like it's filled up with classes doing end of semester work. I might try to get in after World Civ, but I doubt it.

Yesterday I had my third and final paper returned for British Lit II. I received my third A. That means I have two quiz scores of 97% and three papers with 100%s. Also, I spoke with the professor yesterday about a 19 Century Novel class he is teaching next semester. The schedule has it listed only as a graduate level class and I was hoping, like semesters past, it would also be offered as a undergrad class. Unfortunately he said it wouldn't due to a shortage of seniors in the department. Drats!

Anyways, I'm sorry for the lack of posts recently. It's near the end of the semester and what energy I do have I'm attempting to focus on what little school work is left.

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