10 Years After

My return to college


Pictures at an Exhibition: With the Dead in a Language Dead

During World Civ last semester the instructor aroused in me the idea of learning Ancient Egyptian. According to him, it is not all that difficult to learn the hieroglyphic system of writing. At least not as hard as one might think. Shortly after the semester ended I saw a neat little grammarian in Barnes & Nobles in Knoxville on how to self-learn Ancient Egyptian. Well, actually my girlfriend saw it. I've resisted, rather well, the urge to purchase that book.

This semester I have an urge to learn Anglo-Saxon. It's actually something I've been wanting to learn for a long time; I've just been too lazy. Plus, or so I tell myself, I have Spanish to learn and I don't know if I can cope with trying to learn two languages at once. Nevertheless, a quick goodle search turns up some fascinating hits.
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