10 Years After

My return to college


Tomorrow Plus X

I can't help.I find it very frustrating that I am required to take a technology intensive course within the English department and they only offer one- Computers, Writing and Literature.

It's not that I don't want to take the class. I love computers. It is the fact that the checklist for English majors implies that there is more than one choice. Instead of being straightforward and telling English majors that they need to take this class, English majors are instructed to take two technology intensive courses with one of them being within their major. That means they have to take the only technology class the English department offers.

Not only that, but the class looks ridiculously easy. And, while my Bitish Lit II class had no emphasis on technology, my current History of English class is using quite a lot. There's an online discussion board and electronic reserve texts at the library. Actually, both of the instructors for these classes utilized emails, so maybe that is unfair to say about British Lit II. There was some technology,just very little.

So, why can't my History of English count towards my technology intensive class? It's probably more technology intensive than the Computers, Writing and Literature class.
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