10 Years After

My return to college


2 + 2 = 5.

School has started again.
My first class today was Intro to Linguistics. It is nice to be back. Dr Gross didn't hand out a syllabus for the class. This semester we will be doing our online stuff, such as reading the syllabus, off of blackboard rather than Dr Gross's web space on the ETSU server. After going over some basic course fundamentals (how grades will be weighted, working in teams, etc.) we started into Linguistics.
After class I strolled over the library and logged into Blackboard. There was an announcement from Dr Gross welcoming me to the class. I could not, however, log into my Computer, Literature, and Writing class. I went through the steps to log into it, but it kicked me out. I suppose I need authorization from the instructor, and that isn't set up yet. (I mentioned to Kenny that as I was glancing over the text for this class over the weekend I noticed a passage that called for students to add a counter to their Web page. Very silly.)

I have two more classes this afternoon. Next is my Dialectology class and then I have my Computer & Writing class.

Update: Dialectology was interesting. There are about 14 students in the class, with two of them being grad students. The guy from my Grammar & Usage class over the summer who taught English as a second language for three years is in my class. Basically, we read the syllabus, talked about the survey project (Middle age person from Appalachia), and went over some of the basic divisions of linguistics (phonology, phonetics, and morphology). Surprisingly, it seems half the class has no linguistic background. Then again, I hadn't had any coursework prior to takng my History of English. Still, I think this will give me a leg up in the class.

Next up, Computer, Writing, and Literature..... and since it is in the computer lab I'll have to snag a drink before class starts.

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