10 Years After

My return to college


The Crying of Lot G

Yesterday I thought I'd speak with my advisor about switching around British Novels for Computers, Literature, & Writing. Between classes I walked up to the 4th floor to see what his office hours might be this semster. I was surprised to see his name tag off the door and the office appear to be empty. I walked down to the first floor to check the building roster, thinking he had been moved to another office. I was shocked to see his name not appear on the list of professors and instructors.

This morning I stopped by the department office to inquire abot this matter. I was told that he had left the university for a job in New York. The secretary then advised me to speak with the undergrad dean regarding who my replacement advisor would be. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach and kept thinking of what the undergrad dean had said when he assigned my now former advisor- that he was assigning him to me because he wanted me to have the same advisor for the length of my studies here at ETSU.

After my first class I strolled by the Computer Science buiding and gathered the information I need to test out of CSCI 1100 - using information technologies. I won't be able to sign up for a test day until September 3rd. The dates and times are as follows:
F Sep 20 9a-1p
M Oct 14 12-4p
M Oct 11 5p-9p
F Dec 6 9a-1p
I'll have to review a few things such as MS Word and Excel as well as looking over the online library resources. Other than that I expect the test will be a cake walk. After I register there are online tutorials and stsudy materials that I plan to make good use of.

My linguistics classes were mildly interesting today. In Intro To Linguistics we talked mostly about arbitrary and non-arbitrary signs. There was also a short discussion about sign languages. From what I read of "Men, Apes, Languages" I was able to answer whether sign languages are bona fide languages (American Sign Language is). In Dialectology we went over phonetics and were given a photocopy of the basics of sound classification/creation by the instructor. These two classes complement each other very well and both are moving at a very relaxed pace.

Next up I have my Computer, Literature, and Writing class. I'll speak with the instructor after class about my intention to switch British Novels for the Writing in Profession class. The work load in British Novels as well as the certificate I can gain by adding another technical writing class make it a no brainer. And though I am tempted to inquire about taking 21 hours, I realize it is foolish.

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