Please Wake Me Up
I didn't sleep well last night so I woke up incredibly groggy. I had to leave the house early and scramble to get to class on time. I was a couple of minutes late.
Yesterday I learned that ETSU offers some sort of certificate of concentration in technical writing. They issue it to people that have 9 hours of technical writing or writing with computers. My Computers, Writing, and Literature class counts toward this. Also, the professor indicated that work experience can count towards 3 credit hours. My years of written communication in technical support should count I think. I still have the technical suport Web page I constructed for NetAccess, even though it is no longer online. That would mean that I lack three hours for the certificate.
Well, there's a Monday night class that would fill this requirement. Professional Writing. It's from 6 to 8:45. The catch is that I already have 18 hours and need permission to take an overload of 21 hours. I am sure I am capable of doing the work. And while 21 hours sounds like a lot (and it is) I am finding that so far today the load I am taking on MWF is not overbearing. The two linguistic courses go well together and my background with History of English and Grammar & Usage seem like great groundwork.
I have another hour until my next two classes, British Novels and Milton. I think I'll wait until I sit through those classes before deciding whether to seek permission from my advisor to take an overload. Either could potentially samp me with work.