Empty Spaces
my University web space has been restored. I used it last night to upload some scanned text from a linguistics reference book. Besides all the text I didn't want to type, I also had to worry about IPA fonts not loading correctly since most of the students were unlikely to have suitable fonts.
However, I absent mindedly forgot to save the work I had been doing on my web page project for CWL onto a CD-rw so I could bring it in to class. Friday I actually found a nice map of campus. It was a macromedia interactive map that I screencaptured, cropped, resized and now need to imagemap. I also finished most of the structure for the page. Well, at the least the hard part, the frames I plan to use.
I still need to write up some copy for the page and enter some info for the various services for each building. I've no idea how I'll gather the info ont he female or male dorms since I cannot access them- they are all pass key locked via student ID cards.
Oh, and I've been fiddling around with an idea for a logo. Something that merges the Survivor television logo with that of the ETSU mountain logo. Sure they are both copyrighted, but the instructor said that since this is purely academic (and not going to be posted on the Web) we had broad discression in using copyrighted works.
All in all, I feel prtty good about the site. I saw something else to add to the links - http://www.johnsoncitytransit.org/campus.html - the info for the campus route of the JC Transit. I never rode the bus while living on campus, but it could be useful for some students.