10 Years After

My return to college


Faaip de Oiad

Rather than go through the hassle of arguing with Burgess about getting into his class I took the easy way out and decided not to take the class. Not only do I get to avoid a conversation with him but I also get to split up the final requirement, which I had sought to consolidate with History of Rome, so that I can help pull up my GPA a bit more. Still, I need to get cracking on references to grad school. The office that does the Using Information Technology tests said to come back next Friday. I also need to enroll for the GRE and exit exam. I think I'll have to give up a Saturday afternoon for the exit exam as all of the other times are when I have class. Also, one weekend in March will have to be set aside for my Orienteering class- either the weekend of the 13th or the 20th.

Otherwise classes are going well. The only thing to report is that my bio lecture instructor reminds me of Milton from Office Space. It's not just his appearance but also his voice. It's quite distracting. Also, he makes weird sound effects and inane jokes and Star Trek references. Two classes periods and only 5 minutes worth of actual science. I hope I can make it through Biology for Non-science Majors. It's so remedial I want to read ahead, only since the book costs $80 used, and this will be the last semester they're using it, I'm tempted to forgo buying the book or picking up a used older edition.

Car problem update: my car needs to have the transmission replaced. After all the money I've dumped into repairs I can't walk away now. The price? $2,000 with a 3 year or 75,000 mile warranty. *groan*
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