Look's Like I'm Up Shit Creek Again
Another round of talking to advisors. First I went to see the undergrad dean of the English department. I needed him to fill out some paperwork for graduation. Also, I needed his permission to take an overload, 20 hours, so that I could squeeze in everything I need this semester so I can graduate in May. Usually this guy is not the person students want to go talk to. However, I have to say that he was in a good mood and did everything I needed him to do. I then headed off to the student center to talk to the dean of the department to have final approval for the overload. Apparently today was also a day for orientation for new students. The dean seemed oblivious to the fact that I was a senior seeking an overload in order to graduate. He wanted me to go through all the stations for Freshmen orientation. He also suggested I go talk to Dr. Burgess in the history department since one of the classes I wanted to add (History of Rome) was being taught by him and he was in his office today.
So I head over to the history department. While waiting for a student already in his office to finish up I notice a sign posted next to his door that states something to the effect that: there number of students seeking cut cards into the History of Rome equals 150% of the students taking the class and that it is impossible to teach a writing intensive class to 50 students. It went on to say that only seniors that can produce their graduation audit would be cut.
The student leaves and now it's my turn. I tel lhim I noticed his posting about the History of Rome, but that I qualify since I am a graduating senior and that I need to take the History of Rome since it is a writing intensive class. He inquires if I am a history major. Relectunatly I admit that I am not, but that I am a history minor. He feints with a comment, after looking up my records, that I can take any writing intensive class since I have the two in my major. I explain that I need to take the class because it doubles up my requirement for a writing intensive and a 3-4000 history class. He squirms and tells me about his teaching load this semester and would rather that I try to cut into American Revolution since that instructor is only teaching half as many classes. He told me that if this othr instructor won't let me in then we can "negotiate". Whateverthehell that means.
I walk over to this other instructor's office but he's not there. I head by the admin building on the way to my car and pick up a spring schedule since I've misplaced mine. As I walk I glance through the schedule to see when American Revolution is taught to get an idea of what my schedule would look like. I have to do a double take. This class contradicts with another of my history classes. So far I have 9 hours, but I need to cut in World Since After 1500 as well as History of Rome or American Revolution. Why one of these two? Because the history department only offers two writing intensive courses at the 3-4000 level. Can you believe this?
So now I'm back to where I was before seeing Burggess. If I get into American Revolution then I need to drop my Asian History and that'll mean cutting into another 4,000 level history class besides American Revolution. Sheesh. Well, I needed to go back tomorrow and see about cutting into the internet taught World Civ - The lecture based class conflicts with the only day time biology class. Hopefully I can go back tomorrow and talk to Burgess and "negotiate" something with him.
This whole ordeal is one big headache.