March The Mad Scientist
Bio lecture was okay. The instructor began class by wasting a good 5 or so minutes setting up his videocamera to record his lecture. The first day of class he told us how he received a $4,000 grant that netted him the videocamera and a large screen monite-
not a television, he noted, but a monitor. If we missed class for a good reason we could talk to him and watch the video for the session in his office where the large screen monitor resides. The videocamera is odd in that he commented that he records in high definition, but it looks like a huge clunky videocamera from the mid 80s. It's gigantic. The lecture itself was another day of odd comments and tangents that resulted in about 5 minutes of actual nuts-and-bolts science. This from a 55 minute long class. It's agrravating.
History of the Holocaust was neat. We talked about some of the early Christian views of Judaism and the roots of anti-sematism. Also, the instructor laid out three golden eras of Judaism. The first was under the Moorish control of Spain. The second was after the reconquista of Spain and the crusades, when Jews fled and were invited to the Polish kingdom. The last was in the late 19th and early 20th century in Germany.
(My car is still in the shop. The verdict on repairs needed was that it required a new transmission. For $300 more than the rebuilt transmission I could get a brand new one with a 3 year or 75,000 mile warranty. I went with the new transmission and goals to keep it for several years now that I've put almost $4,000 in repairs into the car in nearly a month. I should be getting it back Monday- when I called the shop today they said they had just received the transmission to install it.)