10 Years After

My return to college


Wake Up Time For Freedom

I quit working on the take home exam for the Holocaust last night around 2:30 am. Oddly enough, my short essay portion was longer than the regular essay. But that was more due to the short essay being so long rather than the shortness of the regular essay response. At least that is what I would like to think. You know, sometimes it feels right to answer with a succinct answer rather than being verbose. Besides, I am rather sure I'll receive a B in the class rather than an A. I scored an A- on the mid-term, but a B on both my book reviews and research paper. I doubt there be any curve in the class.

Anyways, I went to sleep at 4 and woke up around 9 to run it to campus. Now I'm done with exams and feel sort of... well... restless. damn.
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